OWNER: Kirk and Marie Hall
LOCATION: 33823 Saintsbury Line
ROLL NOS.: 395800001009400
Purpose and Effect of the Consent Application
The purpose and effect of this application is to dispose of a dwelling deemed surplus to the farming operation by way of a land purchase and sale. The lot to be severed would have a proposed frontage of approximately 256.6 metres (842 feet) along Saintsbury Line, and an area of approximately 18.95 hectares (46.83 acres). The lot to be retained would have an approximate frontage of 100 metres (328 feet) on Saintsbury Line, and an area of no more than 1.0 hectares (2.47 acres). This application represents what staff refers to as a reverse surplus dwelling severance as a result of a farm consolidation. The subject lands contain one single unit dwelling, three detached accessory buildings, and a private septic system. The land to be severed would remain as agricultural farm land.
Notice of Public Meeting B-12-2022
Posted date