OWNER: Pemic Lucan Land Corporation
AGENT: Craig Linton
LOCATION: Part of Lot 65, Plan 210, and Part of Lot 5, Concessional SLR E
The Municipality is seeking input on a development application within 120 metres of your property. The application would consider a proposed draft plan of subdivision that is approximately 3.14 hectares (7.76 acres) that are currently within the existing settlement boundary of Lucan, and proposes to create the following:
• 10 building lots for single-detached dwellings (extension of Kleinfeldt Ave);
• 2 lots for semi-decathed dwellings (extension of Princess Street) (four units);
• An extension of Kleinfeldt Ave;
• 1 Block for a storm water easement (0.01 hectares); and,
• 1 Block for Open Space
More details in the attached notice.