Notice of Public Meeting - Temporary Use & Zoning By-law Amendment

Posted date
Small Town


OWNER: Jim and Wendy Thomas
LOCATION: 34007 Coursey Line
ROLL NO.: 395800001006200

The Township is seeking input on development applications within 120 metres of your property. The purpose of the applications is as follows:

Purpose and Effect
The proposed Temporary Use By-law would permit the establishment of a mobile home as a means to provide accommodation for family members who assist with the general maintenance of the property. The lands contain an existing single detached dwelling and an uninsulated barn. The mobile home is proposed to be located in the south interior side yard, in front of the existing uninsulated barn. The mobile home would be permitted to remain on the property for a maximum period of 20 years. The lands are designated ‘Agricultural’ in the County of Middlesex Official Plan, ‘Country Residential’ under the Township’s Official Plan, and zoned General Agricultural (A1) Zone. The subject lands were previously subject to Minor Variance A-4-2022, which was conditionally approved to reduce a Minimum Distance Separation I Setback and to reduce the minimum required front yard setback to allow for the construction of the mobile home.