The Township of Lucan Biddulph has received an application to subdivide land in Lucan. The details of the proposed draft plan of subdivision are described below. The Township has also received an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications in support of the development proposal.
The purpose of this notice is to inform the public of the nature of the applications, invite public input, advise the public how to provide comments on the application, and to advise the public of future notifications and appeal rights.
Applicant / Agent: Pemic Lucan Land Corp, c/o Craig Linton.
Subject Lands: The subject properties as a whole are approximately 11.02 hectares (27.24 acres). They are located north of Kleinfeldt Avenue, west of Albert and Princess Street, and south of William Street. Subject to this application, the proposed development would consist of lands with an approximate area of 3.14 hectares (7.76 acres) that are currently within the existing settlement boundary of Lucan. The remainder of lands (7.88 hectares, 19.48 acres) located west of Kleinfeldt Avenue as noted above, are outside of the Settlement Area of Lucan and do not formulate a part of this application. The lands are surrounded by low density single detached dwellings to the east and south, a mix of residential and Industrial uses to the north, and agricultural lands to the west. A Municipal Drain (Benn Drain) bisects the property on a northwest angle. The lands are fully regulated by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority and are largely identified as a Natural Heritage feature in the Middlesex Natural Heritage Systems Study 2014.
The lands are legally described as Part of Lot 65, Plan 210, and Part of Lot 5, Concessional SLR E. The lands are designated Settlement Area (Urban and Community) in the Middlesex County Official Plan, Residential in the Township of Lucan Biddulph Official Plan and split zoned Future Residential (FR) Zone and an Open Space (OS) Zone in the Township of Lucan Biddulph Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
The draft Plan of Subdivision proposed the following:
• 10 building lots for single-detached dwellings (extension of Kleinfeldt Ave);
• 2 lots for semi-detached dwellings (extension of Princess Street);
• An extension of Kleinfeldt Ave;
• 1 Block for a storm water easement (0.01 hectares); and,
• 1 Block for Open Space